So-called play piercings are very popular in the SM scene. This are temporary applied piercings, which are removed at a later time again.
Thereby acupuncture needles or hypodermic needles are put on the body of the bottom (he who takes the passive part, so who is obedient), but only for a period of the game. Then these elements could be connected with threads or chains, to thrill the body in a defined posture (bondage).
Every movement raises pain and forces somebody to do the commanded restriction. The risk that a piercing is hoicked is very high. Occasionally also small weights are applied at the piercings to increase the allure. After a session all piercings are removed.
But play piercings aren´t stitched only in the BDSM scene, but also e. g. for a photo shoot, because they can achieve an appealing optical effect.
A very popular play piercing is the corset piercing, whose temporary applied piercing rings at the back or other widespread body parts are connected with a jewellery band athwart.